Take a Spoonful of This before Bed to Flush Intestinal and Liver Toxins While You Sleep

Eating raw garlic takes some getting used to. But understanding all the health benefits of garlic, try to include them in your daily diet. Sneak one or two cloves or garlic into the juicer when you juice your favorite juice recipe.
Take a Spoonful of This before Bed to Flush Intestinal and Liver Toxins While You Sleep

Special Tip!!
Before you go to bed at night, prepare this magic potion:
chopping garlic

Half an hour after dinner, do this …

  • Finely chop up two cloves of fresh garlic and let it expose to the air for a few minutes while you wash up your blender or chopping board. The chopping releases the enzyme alliinase in the garlic.
  • Gather the chopped garlic in a spoon and swallow it with water.
  • You may add a little raw honey if desired, which will give it more mileage as raw honey is a great anti-bacterial agent. Manuka honey can also be used, especially if you want to address a sinus issue or stop a cold or flu.
The garlic and honey will travel your entire digestive tract while you sleep and scavenge and neutralize all the toxins, carcinogens, harmful bacteria, fungi, viruses, foreign chemicals before they can harm your healthy cells.
The sulfur compounds in garlic will also detoxify your liver of blood toxins, lead and other heavy metals that will be flushed out the next day.

Swallowing the chopped garlic will not give you garlic breath, as long as you don’t chew it.

In the morning, drink a big glass of water with a squeeze of lemon juice. Your first bowel movement will have a strong garlic odor and you will know that the harmful stuff have been eliminated from your body. Try it!

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